Shabbat Service Schedule
All services at Temple Sholom are open to anyone who wishes to attend. Please visit our calendar to see service times for this month. Services can also be watched online on our website.
Regular Shabbat
Begins at 7:30PM each week, with the exception of Family Shabbat services.
Open to all congregants and guests.
Family Shabbat
Held on the 2nd Friday of each month and begins at 7:00PM.
Geared towards families with school-age children, open to all congregants and guests.
Tot Shabbat
Held on the 2nd Friday of each month and begins at 5:30PM.
Geared towards families with preschool-age children, open to all congregants and guests.

Holiday Observances in 2024-25 / 5785
In Jewish tradition, holidays begin in the evening at sundown. At Temple Sholom, our primary holiday observances are held in the evening, unless noted otherwise below.
Saturday, September 28
S’lichot marks the start of the High Holy Day season and falls on the Saturday prior to Rosh Hashanah. Click here for our full high holy day service schedule.
Rosh Hashanah
Wednesday, October 2 - Thursday, October 3
Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year, celebrating the Creation of the world and the start of the season of repentance. Click here for our full high holy day service schedule.
Yom Kippur
Friday, October 11 - Saturday, October 12
Yom Kippur is our solemn Day of Atonement, observed with abstention from physical comforts (e.g., no eating, no makeup or jewelry, no physical intimacy) and a focus on repentance. Click here for our full high holy day service schedule.
Wednesday, October 16 - Wednesday, October 23
Erev Sukkot Services - October 16, 7PM
Sukkot is celebrated by building temporary structures (“sukkot”) outside and spending time with family and friends in them. We enjoy nature and savor our gratitude for the world.
Simchat Torah
Wednesday, October 23
Simchat Torah Services with Consecration - 7PM
Simchat Torah is our celebration of the Torah, as we read the final words of Deuteronomy and immediately read the first words of Genesis. At Temple Sholom, we also celebrate Consecration on Simchat Torah, welcoming all of our new Rimon students.
Wednesday, December 25 - Wednesday, January 1
The “Festival of Lights” celebrates the victory of the Maccabees over the Syrian-Greek empire that restricted Jewish observance in the 2nd C. BCE. We light candles each night for eight nights, recalling the miracle of the oil that lasted for eight days when it should only have been enough for one day.
Thursday, March 13
Temple Sholom’s Annual Purim Spiel - 7PM
Purim is a fun-filled holiday that celebrates the story of Esther in the Bible. The story is acted out in a “Purim spiel,” which retells Esther’s story with silliness and parody songs.
Saturday, April 12 - Saturday, April 19
Passover is observed for seven days in remembrance of the Exodus from Egypt and the transition from slavery to freedom for the Israelites. It also heralds the arrival of Spring and the season of renewal and regrowth.
Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day)
Wednesday, April 23 - Thursday, April 24
Reading of Names begins at 7PM
Temple Sholom observes Yom HaShoah with a 24-hour continuous reading of names of victims who died in the Holocaust.
Yom HaAtzmaut (Israel Independence Day)
Wednesday, April 30
Sunday, June 1
Erev Shavuot Services - 7PM
Shavuot commemorates the receiving of the Torah on Mt Sinai and is traditionally celebrated with Torah study and eating dairy.