Temple Sholom welcomes the participation of all members and their guests regardless of their abilities.
The Inclusion and Special Needs Committee is a dedicated group of volunteers whose goal it is to assure that Temple Sholom is as fully inclusive as possible, and to address the needs of children and adults with special needs.
Our mission is to ensure that all members and guests are able to participate meaningfully in the spiritual, educational, celebratory, and life event activities at Temple Sholom. The following is a list of accommodations that we currently offer. If you, or a family member or guest, are in need of accommodations for special needs, please contact the Temple Director, Jeff Green, at the Temple office, or the chairperson of the Inclusion and Special Needs Committee, Regina Levin.
Accommodations Currently Available:
Braille and large-print prayer books
Magnifying sheets for people with visual impairments
Reserved seating in the sanctuary for people with hearing or visual disabilities, as well as those in wheelchairs
Handicapped parking close to the main entrance and a ramp to the front doors
Ramp access to bima
ASL interpreter upon request
Handicapped-accessible, all-gender bathroom with a changing table
Fob access and handicapped-accessible automatic door at main entrance
Streaming of services for those who can’t attend in-person
Individualized education supports and b’nei mitzvah plans
Accessible mezzuzot at our main entrance