Women’s Spirituality

Women’s Spirituality is a welcoming group where we come to reflect and discuss how our diverse beliefs and faith, whether in a particular deity or religion, impact our daily lives.  We have meaningful and trusting conversations in an intimate group setting while we learn together.

Please contact Barbara at bbooker628@aol.com to join our email list for regular program updates.

Programs for 2023-2024

Open to all who identify as women members of Temple Sholom

Here are some dates for upcoming gatherings led by an amazing group of women Rabbis and teachers.  Keep looking out for some additional special programs throughout the year! Light refreshments will be served.

Meeting times can vary, and dates are subject to change.  Please sign up for our monthly email list to stay informed. 

September 27: Welcome Gathering, 6:30 – 8:30pm.

October 25: Rabbi Stacy Rigler, 7 – 8:30 pm

November 15: Rabbi Shelly Barnathan, 7 – 8:30 pm

December 13: Special Chanukah Gathering – Finding Light in Darkness

January 24: Tu B’Shevat Seder led by Rabbi Ariel Tarash

February 28: Lori Green, Education Director

March 27: Anna Marx, Executive Director of Hebrew Free Loan Society

April 24: The Rabbi in the Attic with Rabbi Leah Berkowitz
Sign up here:

May 22: Special Outdoor Program!

June 26: Special Closing Program!

Programs are funded by your contributions to Temple Sholom that can be designated for Women’s Spirituality and by a generous gift from Sisterhood of Temple Sholom.